
The latest Victorian Government Wind Energy Facility Planning Guidelines applicable to new wind farm applications can be viewed here.

The Inverleigh Wind Farm summary is as follows:

  • has an excellent wind resource;
  • has over 10 years of available wind data;
  • has modeled capacity factors of over 40%;
  • is located on intensively farmed pastoral land;
  • on-site surveys have verified the site is of low sensitivity in terms of ecologically significant flora and fauna;
  • is in an area of relatively low population density;
  • has been previously approved by Council and VCAT for a wind farm development;
  • will put in place a Community Engagement Committee for ongoing community consultation and communications particularly during construction;
  • will make use of the latest available turbine technology to minimize noise and be highly efficient;
  • is incorporating utility scale solar generation to support grid reliability and back up power options;
  • has an on site 220kV connection option and the ability to connect to the 66kV Geelong Distribution Network;
  • is proposing to introduce an innovative new approach for a community fund;

Large-scale solar PV uses the same technology as rooftop solar panels – specially fabricated semiconductor crystals that convert light from the sun into electricity. Eight new large-scale solar projects became operational in 2015, marking a breakthrough year for this extremely promising technology. For more information see here.

Development Plan Maps and images can be viewed here.